IN PICS | Fire ravages home of Tshwane emergency services official

Firefighters struggled to put out the blaze, which destroyed nearly all of the home's contents.
Firefighters struggled to put out the blaze, which destroyed nearly all of the home's contents.
Image: Tshwane emergency services department

The Tshwane emergency services department is investigating the cause of a fire that ravaged the home of one of its officials.

Spokesperson Charles Mabaso said the department received a call at about 5.26pm on Monday about a house fire in Doornpoort, north of Pretoria.

“The deputy chief responsible for the Tshwane emergency services department's training academy reported that his house was on fire.

“Multiple firefighting resources were immediately dispatched to the incident and arrived on scene to find the house fully engulfed by fire. Most of the roof had already collapsed.”

Firefighters battled to contain the blaze and most of its contents were lost.
Firefighters battled to contain the blaze and most of its contents were lost.
Image: Tshwane emergency services department

A spokesperson for the Sinoville Fire Brigade Association detailed the firefighters' struggle to extinguish the blaze to a local publication.

They eventually put it out, but most of its contents were unsalvageable.

No injuries were reported and the cause is being investigated.

A fire ravaged the home of Tshwane emergency services department's deputy chief.
A fire ravaged the home of Tshwane emergency services department's deputy chief.
Image: Tshwane emergency services department


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