LISTEN | Mkhwebane's 'I don't care' attitude did her a disservice: Dyantyi

Deadlines will no longer be prolonged, says committee chair

Bulelani Nonyukela Audio producer
Suspended public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane. File photo.
SObusim1703page1 Suspended public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane. File photo.
Image: Simphiwe Nkwali

The chair of the parliamentary inquiry into suspended public protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane's fitness to hold office insists the committee will conclude its work and report by July 28 or earlier.

Qubudile Richard Dyantyi says deadlines set won’t be prolonged any further and that Mkhwebane has done herself a disservice by “demonstrating an ‘I don’t care’ attitude”.

Listen to the committee chairperson:

Mkhwebane missed last week Friday’s deadline to respond to written questions posed by the committee members and evidence leaders.

Her term in office ends on October 14.

Applications and nominations for a candidate to serve a nonrenewable seven-year term closed on Friday.


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