North West cop arrested for ‘robbing business of cigarettes’

North West cop Sgt Suping Frekki Motlhabane has been arrested for business robbery.
North West cop Sgt Suping Frekki Motlhabane has been arrested for business robbery.
Image: 123RF/scanrail

A North West police officer may have puffed his job goodbye after he allegedly robbed a local business of cigarettes.

Sgt Suping Frekki Motlhabane, 39, was hauled before court on robbery charges this week. Provincial police spokesperson Brig Sabata Mokgwabone said Motlhabane works at the Coligny police station.

“According to information, the member was arrested on June 28 in Coligny for allegedly orchestrating a business robbery in which three males robbed a business owner of an undisclosed amount of cash, cigarettes, cellphones and a Hyundai H1 mini truck at gunpoint,” said Mokgwabone.

“The victim's car was later found abandoned in Ventersdorp. Ensuing investigations led to the arrest of two suspects who were found in possession of the items which were positively linked to the robbery.”

Mokgwabone said Motlhabane was arrested at work after being implicated in the crime. He is due to apply for bail on Monday.


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