What Justice Khampepe had to say during judgment

Here are some of the most stinging quotes during the judgment against Jacob Zuma

ConCourt Justice Sisi Khampepe handing down the judgment on former president Jacob Zuma, who was sentenced to 15 months in prison on Tuesday.
ConCourt Justice Sisi Khampepe handing down the judgment on former president Jacob Zuma, who was sentenced to 15 months in prison on Tuesday.
Image: Thulani Mbele

Here are some of the most stinging quotes during the judgment against Jacob Zuma:

  • "The vigour with which Mr Zuma is peddling his disdain of this court and the judicial process carries the further risk that he will inspire or incite others to similarly defy this court, the judicial process and the rule of law.” 
  • “The longer that Mr Zuma’s recalcitrance is allowed to sit in the light, and heat, of day, so the threat faced by the rule of law and the administration of justice, curdles.” 
  • “It is not insignificant that Mr Zuma’s contemptuous conduct relates to his duty to account for the time that he was in office and is accordingly inextricably linked to his constitutional obligations as a public office-bearer. For these reasons, Mr Zuma’s flagrant and disdainful breach of this court’s order is intertwined with the oath that he took to uphold the constitution.”
  • "In taking stock of these exceptional circumstances, it is clear that this court must grant an order that will vindicate its honour, and protect and maintain public confidence in the legitimacy of the judiciary.”  
  • “The focus must be on what kind of sentence will demonstrate that orders made by a court must be obeyed and, to Mr Zuma, that his contempt and contumacy is rebukeable in the strongest sense. With this in mind then, I order an unsuspended sentence of imprisonment of 15 months. I do so in the knowledge that this cannot properly capture the damage that Mr Zuma has done to the dignity and integrity of the judicial system of a democratic and constitutional nation.” 

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