Richards Bay coach vows to get the best out of Zungu

On-loan star made single appearance for Bucs last season

Neville Khoza Journalist
Nkanyiso Zungu.
Nkanyiso Zungu.
Image: Twitter

Richards Bay coach Pitso Dladla has offered to help Nkanyiso Zungu rediscover his old form.

Zungu joined Richards Bay from Orlando Pirates on a season-long loan deal. The move comes after a difficult season where Zungu struggled for game time at the Buccaneers, making only one appearance.

He was also suspended by the club after his arrest for alleged domestic violence.

Dladla said Zungu is willing to get help and as a club they will do their best to make sure he is able to rediscover the form that saw him move from Stellenbosch to Pirates two years ago.

“I think there will be something wrong with him if he can be happy. Any player must not be happy if he is not getting game time,” Dladla explained.

“Right now, after speaking to him, he showed remorse... because he was not able to play a lot of matches. But what I like about him is he is not blaming anyone. He says that was in his hands.

“So he is someone we can help because this is the first step, to agree that things didn’t go well. For me and us as coaches, we can help him so he can quickly return to his form."

The club unveiled 10 new players last week and Dladla said he is happy as he was involved in identifying all of them and believes they will help them in their maiden season in the DStv Premiership.

“The players we just signed are those we made a list [of] before we went to recess and then when we came back, almost 80% of those players we wanted, the club made sure they were here and started the preseason with us.

“Now we are only waiting for three players and then we will have 100% with the team.”

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