Ecologists undertake environmental studies by investigating the influence of human activity on the natural environment, for instance the impact of population size, housing, recreational facilities, pollution and farming on the environment.
Through their research they attempt to rectify imbalances caused to the environment. Ecology is actually a branch of Biology, dealing with organisms and their relationship to their physical environment. When people cause imbalances in the environment, ecologists try to rectify these imbalances.
They are frequently involved with conservation management, which requires the intelligent interpretation and application of biological principles. Commercial utilisation of the environment has increased along with media and public interest in conserving our limited resources.
Large building and mining projects, particularly in areas regarded as being ecologically sensitive, are, in most cases subject to a full report, called an environmental impact assessment (EIA), from a professional ecologist. Professional ecologists are also known as environmental scientists or environmental engineers.
Environmental and business interest groups often enlist more than one ecologist regarding a particular piece of land, in order to gain public approval for their agendas. Ecologists work both indoors and outdoors. They spend time in nature where they collect material to help solve ecological problems. They also spend time in laboratories analysing and interpreting data which is then used for improving our understanding of the ecosystem.
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Here's how ecologists study the interactions between organisms and their environment
Ecologists undertake environmental studies by investigating the influence of human activity on the natural environment, for instance the impact of population size, housing, recreational facilities, pollution and farming on the environment.
Through their research they attempt to rectify imbalances caused to the environment. Ecology is actually a branch of Biology, dealing with organisms and their relationship to their physical environment. When people cause imbalances in the environment, ecologists try to rectify these imbalances.
They are frequently involved with conservation management, which requires the intelligent interpretation and application of biological principles. Commercial utilisation of the environment has increased along with media and public interest in conserving our limited resources.
Large building and mining projects, particularly in areas regarded as being ecologically sensitive, are, in most cases subject to a full report, called an environmental impact assessment (EIA), from a professional ecologist. Professional ecologists are also known as environmental scientists or environmental engineers.
Environmental and business interest groups often enlist more than one ecologist regarding a particular piece of land, in order to gain public approval for their agendas. Ecologists work both indoors and outdoors. They spend time in nature where they collect material to help solve ecological problems. They also spend time in laboratories analysing and interpreting data which is then used for improving our understanding of the ecosystem.
Watch the video to learn more:
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Personal requirements
How to enter
Schooling & school subjects compulsory subjects: Mathematics, Physical Science recommended subjects: Life Sciences
Each institution has its own entry requirements.
What to study
Degree: BSc degree majoring in one or more of the following: Ecology, Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Soil Science, Geology with supporting courses in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science BSc Honours specialising in Ecology is essential for securing research positions.
The opportunities for private consulting are likely to increase as pressure is placed on building consortiums to conduct their own independent environmental impact studies so that they are in a position to state their case when faced with opposition from various lobby groups to proposed building projects.
Getting started
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