
Five ways Standard Bank Achieva can help you achieve your big 'firsts'

Whether you want to be the first in your family to earn a degree, buy a home or car, Standard Bank is ready to back you — and help protect the legacy you're creating

Standard Bank is putting go-getters first by empowering them to bank, borrow, insure and save, while enjoying great rewards.
Standard Bank is putting go-getters first by empowering them to bank, borrow, insure and save, while enjoying great rewards.
Image: 123RF/stockbroker

Reaching any first milestone in life is a big deal. Our firsts often signal progress and act as a stepping stone into the next stage of our lives. These firsts confirm that we’re on the right track and push us on to do more. But in the current South African context of rising interest rates and soaring costs of petrol and food, among other challenges, working towards our firsts can feel daunting.

Even more so when we’re our family or community’s first movers. The first to go to varsity for that degree, the first to buy a car or work towards getting that first property. Add to that the responsibility of looking after our family and, well, the journey can feel lonely and insurmountable.

Standard Bank’s Achieva offering was created with that in mind — to grow and evolve with you, helping you reach those “firsts” and sustain them. It's designed to meet your current financial needs as well as enable your future growth and protect the legacy you're creating.

So, if you’re a go-getter balancing the aspirations you have for your life, while taking care of responsibilities that go beyond just you, Achieva is for you. Here are five ways this new offering can empower you to bank, borrow, insure and save, while enjoying great rewards: 

1. It’s designed to give you the best value

From R115 a month, you get a MyMo Plus Account, a Gold credit card (subject to affordability), free accidental death cover of R10,000, free will drafting, a credit score and access to money management and budgeting tools.

Additionally, you can enjoy free cash withdrawals of up to R3,000 at any Standard Bank ATM, as well as free prepaid purchases on all Standard Bank channels.

2. It helps protect your legacy

There’s nothing like the peace of mind that comes with knowing your loved ones will benefit from your life’s work. With Achieva, you'll have free access to a financial adviser and an expert estate planning professional, so you can not only draft a personalised will, but also review it as your circumstances change. Plus, your will can be held in the safe custody of Standard Trust’s vault.

Once you have completed the first step in estate planning, which is to set up your will, the next step will be to protect your assets with Standard Bank's flexible life cover.  This cover offers many wholesome benefits: it gives you the ability to insure your life for up to R500,000, it starts immediately (there are no medical examinations required) and you have the option to qualify for cash back rewards. 

3. It comes with affordable flexible funeral cover 

When mourning a loved one, you or your family shouldn’t be worried about how funeral expenses are going to be covered.

With Achieva, not only can you select the life cover that best suits your lifestyle and age, you can also choose the amount of funeral cover you need and the benefits you want from your funeral policy. 

This funeral cover is one of the best on the market. It allows you to cover up to 20 family members including your immediate family and other relatives.

4. It delivers an easy and secure banking experience

By tracking and managing your finances, you can make well-informed savings and investment decisions, while staying on top of your current living expenses. The money management tools on the Standard Bank banking app safely allow you to do your everyday banking, control your accounts and manage your loans with ease.

5. It’s more than just an account

Beyond banking, the Achieva offering is Standard Bank’s promise that as you work towards your firsts, you’ll have the backing of bank that will partner with you on the journey to each milestone and beyond.

Standard Bank prides itself on being the number 1 bank when it comes to helping South Africans purchase their first homes. Should you be in the market to buy your first car, it's also the bank that's ready to back you.

To find out more about Achieva and how it can help you kick-start your firsts, visit the Standard Bank website today.

This article was sponsored by Standard Bank.