READER LETTER | Heavy rains expose government laxity

The state of the R708 in the Free State last year.
The state of the R708 in the Free State last year.
Image: Supplied

All what these heavy rains are doing is exposing our poor government because now all it has to do is find excuses as to why with so much water it still fails to supply water to the people and to repair damaged roads, mostly in rural areas where nobody cares.

In Limpopo, as the budget for housing is apart from infrastructure development, it must be cut and diverted to roads and infrastructure since here amazingly, people refuse RDP houses and prefer to build themselves unless of course they are hopelessly poor.

This administration needs to catch a wake-up call to convince us about it. We can’t have people die from accidents due to poor roads and the government sees nothing wrong. 

Anonymous, email

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