READER LETTER | Listening is greatest skill and goes with learning

A winner knows how much he/she still has to learn even when considered an expert.
A winner knows how much he/she still has to learn even when considered an expert.
Image: 123RF/WERA52

Many, if not most of us unaware that listening is the biggest skill. You may be a highly talented person, but you may have a tough time with teachability. This is mainly because talented people often think they know it all.

It’s not about credibility, competence, capability and mental capacity it’s all about your fundamental attitude. Attitude can make or break you. It’s about desire to listen, devotion to learn and apply. Willingness to learn, unlearn and relearn.

A winner knows how much he/she still has to learn even when considered an expert. A loser wants to be an expert before he/she has learned enough to know how little they know. They think they know what they shouldn’t and what they should they don’t.

Listening and learning go together like a belt and a trousers, they are a lifelong pursuit not an accomplishment. You just don’t stop doing the two as there is no age limit restrictions. Pride is the number one hindrance to teachability. You can only learn if you listen. You can’t learn if you are always talking.

It’s the reason we have one mouth and two ears. Learn to listen to others, remain simple, sincere, humble and keep your head below your shoulders. Great parents listen to their children’s moral perspectives.

Successful business people listen to their junior staff entity’s dynamic viewpoints. When you do, you will begin to learn things everyday that will help you enhance and expand your God given talents.

McDivett Khumbulani Tshehla, Mpumalanga

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