READER LETTER | How do illegal immigrants acquire drivers licences?

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Image: Denis Droppa

The rules and law of the land are not respected as foreigners do as they wish in SA.

Firstly, they are undocumented and are illegal in SA, but they run spaza shops that are selling expired food to the community. The same illegal immigrants own cars, driving around our townships, and you ask yourself when and how did they obtain their driver’s licences because they don’t have legal documents to be in this country?

Hardly a year of being in our country, and he owns a car or a bakkie that he uses to go around to the wholesaler and marketplace to stock up on his groceries for the spaza shop, which he owns in the township.

I am asking myself if our own JMPD has not noticed this type of thing happening on our roads as undocumented foreigners are proudly driving on our roads as if they are part of SA.

Do they know the golden rules of our roads and to how to drive in townships and urban areas in short build-up areas? Meanwhile, the JMPD will be hard on South Africans who don’t comply with documentation on our roads.They act as if illegal immigrants have more rights than us as South Africans.

Rey Ntusi Ngema, Soweto

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