READER LETTER | Disrespecting others comes from a lack of self-respect

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Lack of respect among families, communities and races has dire consequences. Out of self-defence from being further disrespected, some retaliate through revenge, some through wars and some through hatred towards the disrespecting party.

It is not complicated to diagnose whether we respect others or not. We just have to flip the coin on everything we do or say to others. If the way we treat or interact with others would screw up our own nerves if done to us, then we need to change our ways and be more considerate. While respect can be taught, it is also earned.

Your age, gender and race do not constitute the reason for a deficit in respect towards those not similar to your. The culture that only emphasises that the young must respect the older, or women must respect men and shun flipping the coin is abusive and needs to be stopped.

As a matter of fact, disrespect towards other people is a reflection of how much self-respect one has lost for themselves. You cannot give what you dont have.

Norman V Mahlangu, Siyabuswa, Mpumalanga

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