READER LETTER | SA's bilateral agreements not worth paper written on

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Image: Gallo Images/Lisa Hinatowicz

There’s something that the ruling party doesn’t tell us. Bilateral agreements or diplomatic ties ought to be of mutual benefits. Outside our borders we are inhumanely treated but foreign nationals are prioritised in SA. In fact, we are taken as foreigners in our own land. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri came to SA, started a church and together with his family members obtained citizenship within three months. He defrauded poor South Africans of their hard-built up little nest eggs, was arrested, got bail and was allowed to leave our shores after the president of Malawi visited SA.

Another Zimbabwean prophet, Kind Mvundla Kupe, drowned 15 members of his congregation in the Jukskei River in Bramley Park and ran away back home. It’s a non-issue, because black people’s lives were lost. The Guptas did the same. But when it comes to honouring extradition treaties, it is Kilimanjaro mountain to climb. There are a few formalities or it’s easy to enter SA, commit crime and skip the borders. Long due processes kick in to retrieve our stolen motor vehicles across neighbouring countries.

Foreign authorities are not required to come to our country’s hearings and testify about the social standings of these fugitives on entering our borders.

Presently, two Marumo Gallants officials are held hostage in Libya for allegedly failing to pay up inflated hotel bills. We won’t forget either the brutal head-butting of Mark Fish in Congo in 1997.

I’ve lost hope we’ll ever have these serious offenders tried in our courts. Justice delayed is justice denied!

Thami Zwane, Edenvale, Ekurhuleni

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