READER LETTER | The demon drink does nobody any good

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Alcohol is amazingly deceptive. The insidious "occasional" drink, in moderation, seems harmless. It even gives the appearance of making life more enjoyable. But many a " social drinker" eventually discovers that he/she is an alcoholic and has exchanged a meaningful life for a degrading existence.

Brilliant and highly educated people who were once successful and influential have been reduced to uselessness because of alcohol. And strange as it may seem, in their own minds they are convinced that they can control or stop drinking at any time. God has warned us: "Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise." (Proverbs 20:1).

Pity the person who tries to escape the pressures of life and relax with a "little drink", unaware of where it might lead. No words can express the pitiful results of continued use of alcohol. The warning from God of alcohol's poison effects is clear. Proverbs 23:32: "In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper."

Alcohol takes control both chemically and emotionally, with both physical and psychological effects. Once a person is "hooked", dependence upon it robs him of good judgment and eventually may destroy his life as well as those of others around him.

Alcohol can produce unavoidable irreversible, and far-reaching physical and emotional wounds. The longer the victim of intoxication continues indulging in alcohol, the more insensible they become to the consequences of their behaviour.

Gradually, millions have allowed themselves to be in direct violation of the Word of God. The only release from these tragic consequences is the Mercy of God. I'm talking from experience and do not condemn those who are still victims of the devil's saliva. When the person truly repents, turns to Christ, and allows Him to be Saviour and Lord of his life, the Holy Spirit becomes his source of strength to overcome sin.

Bushy Green, Kagiso, Mogale City

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