Escapee was referred to dietician by prison doctor

Gumbo serving life for rape and kidnapping

Clatta Gumbo escaped from Mamelodi Hospital on Monday.
Clatta Gumbo escaped from Mamelodi Hospital on Monday.
Image: Supplied

The department of correctional services (DCS) says an inmate who escaped while consulting with a dietician at a public hospital had been referred to the specialist by a prison doctor.

Clatta Gumbo escaped from custody during consultation at the Mamelodi Hospital on Monday by disarming a guard who accompanied him before fleeing the scene.

Gumbo, was serving life sentence for rape, kidnapping and assault at Baviaanspoort Correctional Centre.

DCS spokesperson Singabakho Nxumalo said the department is obliged to transport inmates to public hospitals when necessary. 

Doctors come to our facilities and they may refer inmates to specialists who work in public hospitals. This relates to clinical services that are not rendered in a correctional facility.We [DCS] not run healthcare facilities and we cannot say no when a professional doctor is referring an inmate. Just like ordinary citizens, inmates are entitled to receive medical care, Nxumalo.

He added immediate action had been taken to initiate a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the escape.

That investigation will bring to the fore what else transpired on the day,” said Nxumalo. 

Gumbo was admitted as an offender on August 28 2018.

We are appealing to anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of the escapee to contact the nearest correctional facility or police station. Crucially, we encourage members of the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to law enforcement authorities, said Nxumalo. 

Prison authorities have since launched a manhunt for Gumbo, .


The inmate had not been recaptured by yesterday evening. 

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