Eskom moves to stage 3 loadshedding

Motorists are advised to take extra care when driving during load-shedding. File photo.
Motorists are advised to take extra care when driving during load-shedding. File photo.
Image: Alaister Russell

South Africans will have to plan around scheduled power cuts after Eskom announced it would be implementing stage 3 load-shedding on Sunday.

The power utility moved from stage 1 load-shedding, saying it needed to replenish its emergency reserves.

Stage 3 is expected to continue until Monday morning.

The power utility said: “In order to replenish emergency reserves in preparation for the week ahead, stage 3 load-shedding will be implemented from 9am this morning until 5am on Monday.”

Eskom said they will communicate the outlook for the week ahead on Sunday. 


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