Heavy sentence for Siyabuswa serial rapist

Life and 122 years for man who terrorised women

The Middelburg high court has sentenced Nkosinathi Mgidi to life and 122 years' imprisonment for rapes he committed between 2012 and 2020.
The Middelburg high court has sentenced Nkosinathi Mgidi to life and 122 years' imprisonment for rapes he committed between 2012 and 2020.
Image: NPA Communications

A Mpumalanga serial rapist who was arrested in 2020 after raping a number of women including a minor, was yesterday sentenced to life and 122 years' imprisonment. 

The Middelburg high court had on Friday convicted Nkosinathi Mgidi, 29, on five counts of rape, four counts of kidnapping and two counts of robbery with aggravating circumstances.   

“Mgidi started his criminal career of frightening the community of Siyabuswa from February 2012 to January 2020,” National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Monica Nyuswa said. 

She said Mgidi would target his victims in their homes, and some were accosted while walking on the street. He threatened them with a knife, raped them and robbed them of their belongings.

Mgidi was arrested in September 2020 after the last victim identified him to the police. 

“He was linked to other rape cases through DNA. After his arrest it also transpired that he was arrested in 2012 for the rape of a minor and his matter was referred for a diversion programme,” Nyuswa said.

Mgidi pleaded not guilty and claimed all the victims consented. 

However, senior state advocate Bakedi Maoke led testimonies of the victims, presenting medical reports showing injuries the victims endured when the incidents happened.

In arguing for a harsh sentence, Maoke told the court the families and community of Siyabuswa were looking to the court to impose a sentence that will send a clear message that violence against women and children will not be tolerated.

Nyuswa said judge Thando Mankge found no reason to justify deviation from the prescribed minimum sentence of life for rape.

“The NPA welcomes the sentence imposed on the accused and hopes that this sentence will instil trust in the victims' families and the community at large in the criminal justice system.”


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