State of the city debate adjourned as Joburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda takes ill

Sisanda Mbolekwa Politics reporter
Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda of Al Jama-ah has reportedly fallen ill. File photo.
Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda of Al Jama-ah has reportedly fallen ill. File photo.
Image: Sydney Seshibedi

Johannesburg mayor Kabelo Gwamanda has reportedly fallen ill and was forced to leave a council meeting where he was to respond to the state of the city debate on Wednesday. 

His office announced he was receiving medical attention after allegedly being unwell since Tuesday.

They reported he went against medical advice and delivered his address on Tuesday. Shortly afterwards, he left the chamber without addressing media. Several MMCs in his executive came to his defence, saying he had other engagements. 

On Wednesday, Gwamanda was not present for the start of the debate. 

The speaker, after seeking legal opinion on whether the mayor's presence was mandatory, announced they would adjourn for five minutes to wait for the mayor to arrive.

Gwamanda later arrived in the council and was present for most of the debate.

The city said his condition deteriorated and the medical team on standby advised he be excused and go to a medical facility for treatment and observation.

The speaker adjourned the meeting before Gwamanda could respond to the debate.


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