50-year-old woman shot dead during looting of shops in Emalahleni

Mandla Khoza Freelance journalist
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The community of Emalahleni in Mpumalanga, which has had no electricity for three weeks, went on the rampage on Monday, burning KwaGuqa Mall and looting shops, including Pick n Pay. 

A 50-year-old woman was shot and killed during the protest and police have launched an investigation. It's suspected that she was killed by a police bullet.

The protest also led to the disruption of grade 12 examinations as pupils could not go to school partly because roads leading to Emalahleni have been barricaded with burning tyres and rocks. 

“One person was shot and taken to hospital, unfortunately she passed on yesterday. We are not yet certain who shot the woman, however, an immediate investigation is underway which will look into allegations that the victim as well as two other people who reportedly sustained injuries, were shot by members of the police,” said Mpumalanga police spokesperson Brig Selvy Mohlala.

He said police were on high alert.  

“Preliminary report indicates that the incident follows power blackouts which were experienced in the area for the past weeks. All entrance and exit roads were reportedly barricaded with stones and burning tyres. Members of the public order police as well as other police units are working in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies to ensure that the situation is normalised.

“The situation was tense on Monday evening with protests in KwaGuqa reportedly turning violent, with reports of looting and torching of the Pick n Pay shop in Extension 5. Police remain in the area and motorists are urged to drive with caution along the N4 near KG Mall. Two cases of public violence have been opened,” said Mohlala. 

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