Suspect bust for possession of railway signalling cable

Police have arrested a suspect for possession of railway copper cable.
Police have arrested a suspect for possession of railway copper cable.
Image: Werner Hills

Cape Town police have arrested a 32-year-old suspect for possession of more than 100m of railway copper cable.

The suspect was arrested in Maitland on Thursday. Western Cape police spokesperson Sgt Wesley Twigg said police were on patrol when they were tipped off about the suspect.

“The consistent efforts by police members to bring the perpetrators who are responsible for destroying the rail infrastructure to book yielded success when members of the Maitland crime prevention unit arrested a 32-year-old male for the possession of 111m of signal cable in Melck Street,” said Twigg.

“The members were busy with crime prevention patrols when they received information about a suspect walking with cable. Further investigations led to the discovery of more cables hidden between bushes and branches”.


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