Two rapists sentenced to life in prison

Ernest Mabuza Journalist
Two regional courts in the Eastern Cape have sentenced two men to life imprisonment in two separate rape cases.
Two regional courts in the Eastern Cape have sentenced two men to life imprisonment in two separate rape cases.
Image: 123RF/Andriy Popov

Two regional courts on Monday sentenced two men to life imprisonment in two separate rape cases, where the rapists threatened the women's boyfriends before the assaults.

The Mqanduli regional court sentenced Sandile Ntsomi, 28, for raping a 17-year-old girl in 2019.

On the night of March 9, 2019, the victim was walking with her 18-year-old boyfriend to his home at Mpame area in Mqanduli when they were accosted by the bush knife-wielding Ntsomi. He told the boyfriend to run away if he did not want to die.

While her boyfriend was running way, Ntsomi dragged the woman to his home and raped her numerous times. Ntsomi, who was out on parole for a 12-year robbery sentence, released the victim about 5am.

The victim immediately went to report the rape to the headman who summoned the police and Ntsomi was arrested.

In the second case, the Cacadu regional court sentenced 32-year-old Luyanda Tshisa to life imprisonment after he was found guilty of raping a 21-year-old woman on September 16 2019.

On that evening, the woman was walking with her boyfriend, also 21 years old, at Machubeni area in the district of Cacadu (formerly Lady Frere).

Tshisa threatened them with a knife, chased the boyfriend away and dragged the victim to an open field and raped her. He then took the woman to his home where he raped her for the second time.

Both men pleaded not guilty, claiming that the sex was consensual.


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