Durban schoolgirls expelled after vicious attack on pupil

Suthentira Govender Senior reporter
Five Durban schoolgirls have been expelled after a vicious attack on a fellow pupil in February.
Five Durban schoolgirls have been expelled after a vicious attack on a fellow pupil in February.

A group of Durban schoolgirls has been expelled seven months after a video clip, allegedly of them viciously assaulting a fellow pupil, was shared on social media.

In the footage, which went viral, pupils were seen dragging, kicking and punching a fellow pupil in what appears to be a bathroom at Newlands East Secondary, north of Durban.

The KwaZulu-Natal education department confirmed in a statement on Thursday that the five girls, accused of attacking a grade 10 pupil in February, have been expelled.

The girls were suspended after the incident.

“The school governing body conducted an investigation and a disciplinary hearing was held. The recommendation was the expulsion of these pupils,” said Dr Enock Nzama, head of department at the education department.

Nzama said he had “applied” his mind to the recommendation and concurred with the expulsion decision. He said the district office had received the expulsion letters to implement the decision.

“We want to send a very strong warning to any pupil who involves herself/himself in any form of bullying that they will be dealt with harshly,” said Nzama.


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