'It's a witch hunt‚' says Edward Zuma on dad's corruption case

Edward Zuma.
Edward Zuma.

Jacob Zuma’s son Edward Zuma says the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has embarked on a witch hunt against his father after it reinstated a case against the former president.

The charges include corruption‚ fraud‚ money laundering and racketeering.

In a statement issued in his personal capacity on Monday‚ Zuma junior questioned the “impartiality” of the NPA and accused the prosecuting authority of being used to “clamp down on those who speak the truth to white monopoly capital.”

He vowed that they would defend the former president in every way possible and that those who despise him “will regret” the NPA decision to recharge his father.

“The National Prosecuting Authority has taken a decision which even a child can see that it is based on a witch-hunt and very suspicious and thought-provoking reasons which as a citizen of this country one would feel very much that state institutions are being used to clamp down on anyone who stands and speaks truth to white monopoly capital and its offsprings‚” he said.

He also lashed out at the country’s judiciary‚ saying it was not making it “easier for us to trust it ... hence the uncertainty on their impartiality in the matter of the former president Jacob Zuma.”

“I know some will say but the so-called charges emanate from long time ago‚ I will respond to say the battle to tarnish and get rid of Jacob Zuma is more than 20 years‚ hence he is still being crucified till this day and by the look of things this isn’t going to stop any time soon.”

He said Zuma would continue to be a champion of the poor.

“We shall however radically and vigorously rally behind and push for land expropriation without compensation and radical economic transformation and those that stole our economy and hiding in Stellenbosch and London shall be exposed by the masses as the NPA is afraid of prosecuting such as they are said to be in charge of the country indirectly.”

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