'I would knock out Maimane in the boxing ring': Julius Malema

EFF leader Julius Malema made fun of "the coward Mampintsha" for not taking up DA leader Mmusi Maimane's challenge of a boxing match.
EFF leader Julius Malema made fun of "the coward Mampintsha" for not taking up DA leader Mmusi Maimane's challenge of a boxing match.
Image: Thulani Mbele/Sowetan

EFF leader Julius Malema has mocked Gqom artist and West Ink Records boss Mampintsha for failing to take on DA leader Mmusi Maimane who challenged him to a boxing fight.

Maimane's challenge to the former Big Nuz member came after a video of him beating up his girlfriend Babes Wodumo went viral.

Speaking to EFF supporters in Sharpeville on Thursday, Malema said Mampintsha was a coward who was only brave enough to [allegedly] beat women but was scared of other men such as Maimane.

The firebrand leader said unlike "the coward Mampintsha", he would knock out Maimane in the ring.

"If Mampintsha is a real man ... invited to a boxing ring by pastor [Mmusi] Maimane and you want to tell me a fool who cannot take on Maimane in a fight wants us to believe he is a real man," said Malema.

"Even I would knock out Maimane."

Malema added that the "men are trash" reference to all men was correct because of people who assaulted and raped women. 

Said Malema: "A lot of men have declared war against our women, these women are hurting hence they say men are trash, they speak from a position of pain and we must understand them and say indeed we are the same but I am trying to be a different man.

"When we grow up in our communities they teach us [men] that we are superior to women, all of us must say I want to walk myself out of that miseducation and we as men must accept that we have a problem."

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