It was a no-brainer, admits ex-Bafana star's wife

Sonia Booth capitalises on viral cheesecake saga

“It's not an easy time for me. We are in the middle of a divorce settlement and we haven't reached that stage of agreement, so it's a difficult time,” Sonia opened up about her marriage.

Joy Mphande Journalist
Sonia Booth launched cheesecake products.
Sonia Booth launched cheesecake products.
Image: Supplied

Sonia Booth has decided to make lemonade out of lemons by capitalising on her cheesecake viral saga.

Last November, the former Miss South Africa second runner-up and businesswoman took to her social media timeline accusing her husband, soccer legend Matthew Booth, of infidelity, sharing receipts from Valentine's Day 2022 when the alleged affair began. 

In the series of Instagram posts, Sonia revealed Matthew had baked a cheesecake for his alleged mistress on the eve of their son's birthday.

On Tuesday, Sonia announced the launch of her marula-flavoured frozen yoghurt and ice cream cheesecake for Valentine's Day on Instagram.

“It was a no-brainer. Everybody that talks about me doesn't finish a sentence until they mention cheesecake. The name cheesecake was trending not just in South Africa, not just in Africa, but worldwide. People living in New York, people living in Massachusetts were sending me messages of support,” she tells TshisaLIVE.

She started toying with the idea of a business venture in December when a few of her friends told her she would be “stupid not to ride the wave and milk the cow”.

While Sonia has received some backlash on social media, she said she decided to look at it in a positive light and take it in her stride by making something out of it. 

“I thought that there can only be two reactions on my part. I could take it in a negative manner and allow people to make a mockery of me and laugh at me making snarky remarks, or being the person that I am, who has dealt with adversity my entire life and I have not succumbed to any of that, I thought I should just look at it with the sense of humour that I have.”

She's also working towards launching cheesecake-flavoured popcorn and liquor.

Sonia admits it has not been an easy time.

“It's not an easy time for me. We are in the middle of a divorce settlement and we haven't reached that stage of agreement, so it's a difficult time.”

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