READER LETTER | Tragedy could’ve been avoided if state stuck to rules

Rescue workers are continuing to scour the rubble of the collapsed building in Victoria Street, George.
Rescue workers are continuing to scour the rubble of the collapsed building in Victoria Street, George.
Image: Werner Hills

Unqualified artisans at the George building site reflect political dysfunction and chaos across SA.

May those who died rest peacefully. Our South African darlings find it demeaning to do manual labour, making it easy for Zimbabweans, Malawians and Mozambicans to enter the labour market. The cross-border workforce have a common thread in their DNA – they come here to work very hard, albeit at reduced remuneration.

Foreign nationals from our region now occupy important positions in a number of industries – the restaurant industry, the building industry and related trades.

Elections are looming, and lack of control and subsequent policing at our borders is lax or nonexistent at times.

The tragic deaths could have been avoided had this government applied its own rules – another red flag for voters to consider when marking their ballot paper.

Peter Bachtis, Benoni 

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