READER LETTER | Sona now formality to address ANC

General views of SANDF rehearsal ahead of the 2024 State Of The Nation Address on February 06, 2024 in Cape Town.
General views of SANDF rehearsal ahead of the 2024 State Of The Nation Address on February 06, 2024 in Cape Town.
Image: Ziyaad Douglas

Unlike the very first State of the Nation Address (Sona) after the ushering in of this so-called new dispensation, the upcoming one is just a formality.

To say we were captured by the dawn of democracy in the 1990s may be an understatement, but many, if not all of us, had hope that the Nelson Mandelamania would outline how our lives were going to be improved and bring us to par with what human existence should be.

We were hopeful because we thought that those in power had an understanding of where we were coming from. We trusted that the movement of Chief Albert Luthul would rescue us.

We turned a blind eye to all the mistakes of the ANC and concentrated on the good it promised to deliver. We could not even see them as they lined their pockets with stolen money for the Mandela we fought for was now president, Thabo Mbeki was in power, but slowly and surely a new power class was coming into existence at the expense of the poor.

Throughout the many Sonas that have been presented, our hope has been dying and dying and we are left with none. Today, President Cyril Ramaphosa will be addressing the ANC – not the nation –as those still left in that party have mastered the art of accommodating lies and vague promises.

We are now aware that the address is just a formality. Most of the talk will just be inane sayings with no significance to black lives. Tomorrow, black people will still be waking up in shacks, and young black girl children will be waking up having been raped by monsters and circumstances. We will be waiting Mr. Resident.

Sebongile Galekhutle, email

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