READER LETTER | Delinquent ANC no longer fit for purpose

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Image: Phillip Nothnagel/Daily Dispatch

The rules of tough love are relentless in their quest to bring sanity to a delinquent party.

So too, the ANC has over thirty years degenerated from a clear thinking party to a party incapable of controlling their lust for power, money and excesses – coupled with an insatiable thirst for corruption.

It is akin to addicts that are no longer capable of controlling their urges. The forthcoming election must see the electorate performing the duties of a loving and caring parent.

Clamping down on the wayward ANC will be like placing a hardened addict into rehab. The ANC is no longer fit for purpose, so a new party with impeccable credentials, loyal and caring will take over the reins until the horrid delinquency is brought under control.

Peter Bachtis, Lakefield, Benoni

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