READER LETTER | Move over, criminal Cele

Minister of Police Gen Bheki Cele.
Minister of Police Gen Bheki Cele.
Image: Freddy Mavunda

So, R450,000 was taken from our taxes to fund minister Bheki Cele and a few of his chums’ trip to France. Parlez vous Francais minister?

The “joll” proceeded while people are jobless and starving in this country. This then, are the kind of human beings who serve the nation – opportunists who milk the fiscus for their own selfish needs. The writing for Cele is on the wall... he has failed to offer meaningful resistance against criminals. Clearly his compass is skewed and would suggest that his days in politics are numbered.

Hamba kahle Mkhulu... hand the baton to a younger individual, who has the right skillset. Rugby indeed!! Escargot s'il vouz plait! Ja nee, we are seriously in the k*k.

Peter Bachtis, Lakefield, Benoni 

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