READER LETTER | ANC's deployment policy is killing SA

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Today’s so-called leaders are self-serving by placing their political parties above the interests of SA. Popularity seems to be favoured above competency, resulting in inefficient and ineffective service delivery.

For example, some key posts in government departments are even sold to line-up their pockets leading to mediocre performance. Branch members are given lists of names and asked to nominate NEC members whose competencies and shortcomings they don’t know. The above is a result of cadre deployment and corruption that has led to the demise of our state-owned entities that used to provide jobs for our people.

Some facilities such as stadiums, factories and infrastructure such as roads and harbours have been left to rot at the expense of economic growth and employment. Our fuel price is higher than our neighbouring countries because of the levies to provide luxuries for our top government officials and ministers. The problem is that our democractic government copied from the apartheid government by jumping into positions of the gravy train forgetting those who voted for them.

Alfred Khudu Bantseke, Ga-Rankuwa

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