READER LETTER |Why so much chaos at varsities in democracy?

The University of Fort Hare in Eastern Cape has experienced a number of murders of its staff following investigations into corruption.
The University of Fort Hare in Eastern Cape has experienced a number of murders of its staff following investigations into corruption.
Image: Rod Bally/ File photo

For centuries, blacks were always treated in the most humiliating ways, distrusted, regarded with contempt, seen to be intellectually incapacitated and not deserving of any respect. Hendrik Verwoerds dream was that blacks should remain hewers of wood and drawers of water.

Utterances that were very demeaning and angered many blacks. With the advent of freedom and democracy in 1994, came an aggressive wave of transformation driven and championed by the ANC.

At last, freedom and liberation were here, a great opportunity for blacks to prove their worth; that they were as capable as anyone to lead the country to greater heights of prosperity.

I hate to imagine how minister of higher education, science and technology Blade Nzimande must be feeling today with UCT, University of Fort Hare and Unisa now in the news every day for all the wrong reasons, while teaching and learning in almost all these universities is negatively affected, with UCT not as equally affected as the other two universities.

Dont we have any pride as black people? Instead of proving all the prophets of doom wrong, we go out of our way to prove how very right they were all along. What is all this corruption that is going on at Unisa and Fort Hare, with issuing of fake masters and PhDs at Fort Hare, mismanagement of funds and criminality, which threatens peoples lives. Two deaths have already occurred at Fort Hare and senior staff at Unisa have bodyguards protecting them because of threats to their lives.

Are we a bunch of barbarians? You have terribly let us down and owe your liberators a lot of remorse.

Cometh Dube-Makholwa, Midrand

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