Children and young people’s voices and needs not considered in Covid-19 pandemic policy decisions

Researchers Prof Lochner Marais, head of the UFS centre for development support, and Dr Abraham Matamanda, senior lecturer in the UFS department of geography, collaborated with researchers in the UK and Brazil on a study on the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people. The study is part of the international PANEX-Youth research project.
Researchers Prof Lochner Marais, head of the UFS centre for development support, and Dr Abraham Matamanda, senior lecturer in the UFS department of geography, collaborated with researchers in the UK and Brazil on a study on the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people. The study is part of the international PANEX-Youth research project.
Image: Supplied

Covid-19 pandemic policy decisions largely ignored young people’s needs, resulting in long-term losses.

This is according to researchers from South Africa, the UK and Brazil who recently conducted a study on the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people, particularly those from disadvantaged households. 

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of the Free State (UFS) and University of Fort Hare in South Africa, the University College London, the University of Birmingham and Nottingham Trent University in the UK, and the University of São Paulo in Brazil.

It highlights the pandemic has deepened existing inequalities, with children and young people’s voices and needs not considered in policy decisions.

The report, titled International and National Overviews of the impact of Covid-19 on Education, Food and Play/Leisure and Related Adaptations, outlines how slow government action and policy gaps in efforts to stop the spread of Covid-19 have had a negative impact on children and young people’s health and welfare.

Prof Lauren Andres, professor of planning and urban transformations at the University College London, who is the lead author of the report, said Covid-19 has exposed and worsened inequalities that already existed before the pandemic. 

“Children and young people’s voices and needs were not heard and accounted for. Our research shows because of policy gaps and slow government action during the pandemic, disadvantaged children and young people are facing serious consequences that could be with them for a long time, in the UK and around the world.”

The study shows that due to social isolation and economic disruption caused by lockdowns, children and young people’s education has been stunted, their access to nutritious food has been reduced, and their ability to develop socially through play has been restricted.

“The impact was worst for those living in disadvantaged poor households.” 

Further insights from the study show the digital divide has worsened educational inequalities as education moved online during the pandemic, with households and regions with insufficient internet access falling behind. 

“Collectively and combined with the continuing cost-of-living crisis, the researchers believe these disadvantages are likely to have detrimental consequences for children and young people in the short and long term, with many not yet visible,” the study reveals.

The team — which includes UFS researchers Dr Abraham R Matamanda, senior lecturer in the department of geography, and Prof Lochner Marais, head of the UFS centre for development support — expects policy gaps during the pandemic will negatively impact young people’s professional life trajectories, healthy lifestyles, mental wellbeing, educational opportunities and self-confidence.

The team has put together five recommendations to ensure children’s wellbeing is incorporated into future pandemic planning. 

The suggestions include the need to keep children and young people at the centre of pandemic preparedness efforts and that more priority and attention be given to the hidden voices and experiences of young people, particularly those from monetary poor households.

According to Matamanda, the Covid-19 pandemic showed a lack of understanding of what children and young people need in their daily lives.

He said: “During the pandemic, the rights of children and young people, especially play/leisure, accessing adequate food and education, seemed to be overlooked or least prioritised. This was evident from the slow and inconsistent Covid-19 government policies and strategies that failed to acknowledge the networks and value chains through which children and young people are supported. In this way, our research shows the gaps and inequalities created and widened among children and young people in South Africa, especially those from disadvantaged households who have been left behind and are grappling to adapt in the post-pandemic period.”


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