READER LETTER | Keep ANC in power at your own peril

ANC flag.
ANC flag.
Image: Ziphozonke Lushaba

SA is in the poop. We teeter on the collapse of our electrical grid as our public power utility cannot keep up with demand, and in fact manages to produce less and less electricity with the passage of time.

Everyone in the public domain is only too aware of corruption and mismanagement at Eskom. The Zondo Commission made this very clear to anyone who was watching the proceedings.

From Jacob Zuma through the Guptas to cabinet ministers and their underlings, we all know the people, they have been named, but not one has been prosecuted. That Pravin Gordhan and President Cyril Ramaphosa play ignorant is to be expected. They insult SA and play us as fools.

Our current president was directly involved as the man in charge of cadre deployment for the ANC.

Of course he is not going to point a finger at himself. Mea culpa is definitely not in the lexicon of anyone in the ANC – a party in which no one ever resigns for incompetence, malfeasance, corruption and complete failure to perform, but is merely redeployed to screw up another department!

While one hears more and more people complain that the ANC government is unfixable, there is always the reality that the South African electorate is just not confident enough to stop voting for the political party, which to some degree is in their blood.

If SA lacks the wisdom to vote for a change in government, which is the basic principle behind democracy, then we will sink forever into a failed-state status. Neither Russia nor China nor the United Nations will be able to save us.

If we don’t learn from history, then shame on us for doing nothing to change the course of our history.

Dr Peter C Baker, Parktown North, Johannesburg

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