READER LETTER | We need to celebrate Babita, Khwezi

Deceased senior Gauteng health department finance official Babita Deokaran.
Deceased senior Gauteng health department finance official Babita Deokaran.
Image: Supplied

August is a month (Women's Month) whereby the entire time was spent on celebrating liberation Struggle women, which was good then – towards liberation and partly more after liberation.

I personally feel that it is time that we celebrate courageous women who died holding the bull by its horns. I speak of Babita Deokaran, who bravely challenged and died fighting the current pandemic facing our country – corruption.

Secondly, Khwezi, who equally faced the same challenge which majority of South African women are afraid to come forward and report, especially looking at the stature of the man who did that to her.

Finally, I'm appealing to our government if it's serious about fighting the scourge of the two pandemics I mentioned above to make the theme for this year "Celebrating the life and beliefs of Babita Deokaran and Khwezi". I think that will have a clear impact and courage to women outside there.

Levy Manaka, Polokwane

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