Law and order must be applied in South Africa

South Africans are asking for the right thing to be done, the writer says.
South Africans are asking for the right thing to be done, the writer says.

Does the life of a black man matter in SA? Yes, our minds may have been twisted and warped over centuries by colonialism and apartheid.

Nevertheless, we are decent people capable of abiding by the law so that we can live in harmony. This is possible if law and order are applied.

Excellent laws are made by the legislative bodies democratically elected by all of us. Economic laws such as the Employment Equity Act have not been fully implemented and this causes tension and perpetual inequality.

Illegal drugs are classified as such because they are unlawful to possess, use, or deal in. Anyone found disobeying this rule should be duly arrested, prosecuted and sentenced by the appropriate organs of the state.

South Africans are asking for the right thing to be done.

Thami Zwane, Edenvale