IPID probes case after man died in police custody

Koena Mashale Journalist
Thapelo Modise
Thapelo Modise
Image: Supplied

The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) is investigating a case where a man allegedly shot and killed himself while in custody at the Dobsonville police station.

The man, Thapelo Modise, had been detained for alleged drunk driving when he shot himself using his own gun in front of two other suspects. 

According to Ipid spokesperson, Phaladi Shuping, allegations were that on Friday at about 10pm, Joburg metro police officers were conducting a roadblock in Dobsonville when they arrested the man for drunk driving.

Shuping said they detained him at Dobsonville police station and a nurse was called to draw blood samples. 

"While they were waiting for the nurse to draw blood samples from him, he allegedly took out a firearm and shot himself. The paramedics were called and they declared him dead on the scene.

"The incident was reported to IPID and it is investigating the case as death in police custody," Shuping said.

Jozi FM reported that while in custody, Modise had requested to speak to a Col Solly Moagi to inform him that he was a bodyguard of ANC secretary-general Fikile Mbalula.

According to Jozi FM, the Modise family disputed the version told by the police of what happened. 

The mother, Susan, is qouted as saying the police only arrived at their place of residence at 4.30am in the morning and told them that the station commander wants to see the family. 

“We went to Dobsonville SAPS only to find my son in a pool of blood with his hands being folded. My son had bruises all over his face and it looks like he was beaten up before he was shot,” said Modise. 

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