Kutama-Sinthumule maximum security prison in Limpopo catches fire

Inmates are being moved to a safe zone after a fire broke out at the Kutama-Sinthumule maximum security prison. Stock photo.
Inmates are being moved to a safe zone after a fire broke out at the Kutama-Sinthumule maximum security prison. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/kzwwsko

Inmates at Kutama-Sinthumule maximum security prison in Limpopo were moved to a safe zone after some sections of the prison caught fire on Monday.  

Correctional services department spokesperson Singabakho Nxumalo said emergency services were extinguishing a fire at the facility in Makhado Louis Trichardt.

“The kitchen, maintenance section and two blocks are affected, being the blue and green centres,” he said,  

The prison houses 1,892 inmates and 1,132 of them live at the yellow centre which is not affected by the fire.  

“Inmates are being moved to a safe zone inside the facility. The cause of the fire is yet to be established. Critical [now] is to protect lives and ensure the fire is extinguished.”  

Nxumalo said security was strengthened to ensure the situation is controlled.

“Additional details are to be provided later.”  


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