Limpopo man wanted in connection with wife’s murder hands himself over

A Limpopo man has handed himself after his wife's murder. Stock photo.
A Limpopo man has handed himself after his wife's murder. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/Belchonok

A 42-year-old man is expected to appear in a Limpopo court in connection with the murder of his wife earlier this month.

The man was arrested this week after being on the run for days.

Limpopo police spokesperson Col Malesela Ledwaba said the incident took place at Moteti Extension Slovo on July 3.

“The arrest emanates from a horrible incident discovered by community members who found the body of a woman on the road last Monday.

“It is alleged the suspect was the last person seen with the deceased that Sunday. The two were seen at a local tavern and later left together.

“It appears that while walking home the duo had a heated argument, resulting in the suspect fleeing the scene and leaving the woman bleeding. The suspect immediately went to his hiding place in KwaMhlanga in Mpumalanga.

Police and emergency service personnel were called to the scene and declared the wife dead. A murder case was opened and a manhunt was launched for the husband.

Ledwaba confirmed the man handed himself over at the KwaMhlanga police station.

“The motive for the killing is unknown and the man is expected to appear in the Dennilton magistrate's court soon on a murder charge.” 



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