Hawks on the hunt for man charged with lying about Zondo, Mabuyane bribery scandal

Phadima Fukula faces charges of perjury for alleging Eastern Cape premier Oscar Mabuyane paid Raymond Zondo a hefty bribe

The Hawks are appealing for assistance in finding Phadima Fukula who is charged with perjury.
The Hawks are appealing for assistance in finding Phadima Fukula who is charged with perjury.
Image: Twitter/@fanamokoena

The Eastern Cape Hawks are on the hunt for Phadima Fukula on charges of perjury after he was accused of making false corruption allegations against chief justice Raymond Zondo and Eastern Cape premier Oscar Mabuyane.

Fukula, 31, had reported allegations of corruption against Zondo in Gauteng in February 2021 and in March that year opened another case in the Eastern Cape against Mabuyane.

He alleged that Mabuyane had paid Zondo — then deputy chief justice — a R5m bribe. 

Once the allegations were probed, it was established there were conflicting versions on the cases. He was then charged with perjury, Hawks spokesperson W/O Ndiphiwe Mhlakuvana said.

Mabuyane proceeded to open a case of crimen injuria.

The accused was arrested last year but was released from custody until a decision regarding the case was made by the National Prosecuting Authority.

“The Hawks investigated all four cases to ascertain their veracity. Furthermore, a summons was issued against Fukula, and [he] is expected to appear before the East London magistrate’s court on August 29 2023.”

However, he cannot be traced. Mhlakuvana said Fukula could not be found at any of his known addresses and appealed to anyone who might know his whereabouts to contact the police.

“Commendable efforts have been made to trace him, but to no avail. Any information received will be treated with utmost confidentiality,” he said.


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