Limpopo police arrest woman after boyfriend fatally stabbed

Limpopo police arrested a 30-year-old woman who allegedly stabbed and killed her partner. Stock image.
Limpopo police arrested a 30-year-old woman who allegedly stabbed and killed her partner. Stock image.
Image: 123RF/Markus Schnessl

Limpopo police arrested a 30-year-old woman who allegedly stabbed her 29-year-old partner to death on Saturday.  

Police spokesperson Col Malesela Ledwaba said the incident occurred at Morarela village outside Marble Hall on Saturday evening.  

The victim was visiting his partner at her home when the two became engaged in an argument.  

“The suspect (woman) apparently went outside to cool down, but the victim followed her while holding a sharp object. The victim was then stabbed in the upper body following a fight between the two,” he said.  

Ledwaba added that emergency medical services were summoned but man was declared dead at the scene and the suspect was arrested.  

“Police have opened a murder case. The motive for the killing is not yet known but domestic violence cannot be ruled out,” he said. 

The suspect will appear at the Marble Hall magistrate's court on Tuesday. 

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