SANDF dismisses as fake reports that Monde Lobese is new navy chief

SANDF chief General Rudzani Maphwanya.
SANDF chief General Rudzani Maphwanya.
Image: Graeme Hosken

Defence force (SANDF) chief Gen Rudzani Maphwanya says he is concerned about “false social media reports” claiming that the deputy chief of the navy, Rear-Admiral Monde Lobese, has been appointed chief of the navy.

“The appointment of the chief of the navy has not been made and members of the media will be notified once the SANDF appoints the new chief,” said SANDF spokesperson Sam Khasuli. “Members of the public are cautioned not to believe fake news but rather rely on official SANDF communication.

“The SANDF would like to assure the people of South Africa that everything is in order with the leadership of the SA Navy. Rear-Admiral Lobese is the acting chief after the retirement of the chief, Vice- Admiral Samuel Hlongwane, until the leadership of the SANDF pronounces otherwise,” Khasuli said.


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