Paedophile disguises herself as a pastor, takes naked photos of children

The woman suspected of taking nude photos of children and her husband both served 15 years for rape of minor children. Stock photo.
The woman suspected of taking nude photos of children and her husband both served 15 years for rape of minor children. Stock photo.
Image: 123RF/tinnakornlek

A woman “pastor” — uncovered as a convicted paedophile — has been arrested for child pornography, say Western Cape police.

Between 2016 and 2022, the suspect deceived parents of at least three children into allowing sleepovers at her home. She is accused of drugging the children before undressing them and taking their pictures, said police spokesperson Ndakhe Gwala.

“One of the victims said the suspect locked her in a bedroom and told her to undress and not be uncomfortable because they are both females. She then took naked pictures of her in different angles.

“Investigations revealed that the suspect and her husband are former convicts, and both served 15 years for rape of minor children. The husband’s involvement in this case is under investigation.”

The case is being handled by the serial and electronic crime investigation unit in collaboration with Worcester family violence, child protection and sexual offences unit.

The suspect is charged with five counts of human trafficking, two counts of rape and 100 counts of possession and creation of child pornography. She has made a brief appearance in the Worcester magistrate’s court and will apply for bail next week.


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