Equal Education protesters denounce ANC at Ramaphosa's Khayelitsha rally

Thabo Mokone Parliamentary editor
Protesters labelled the ANC's online-only school application policy as 'anti-black' during a protest against ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa, who was on the election trail in the Cape Flats on Thursday.
Protesters labelled the ANC's online-only school application policy as 'anti-black' during a protest against ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa, who was on the election trail in the Cape Flats on Thursday.
Image: Esa Alexander

Members of lobby group Equal Education on Thursday infiltrated an ANC election rally in Khayelitsha on the Cape Flats, where party president Cyril Ramaphosa was on the campaign trail.

A group of Equal Education members attempted to stage a protest at an informal settlement in Khayelitsha, brandishing anti-ANC placards. 

The placards read, among other things: “27 years of broken promises, 27 years of unemployment.” Other placards say Ramaphosa’s government “shouldn’t let Covid-19 widen inequality”, while also slamming the online-only school application policy as “anti-black”.

Before addressing a crowd of ANC supporters, Ramaphosa demanded that the Equal Education posters be put down.

“Put down those placards, all of them, including those brown ones. I have read them. Or are these people even sober? They look a lot drunk,” said Ramaphosa in Xhosa.

Earlier, ANC presidency head Sibongile Besani slammed the protesters for invading their rally.


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