Residents of Jagersfontein picking up the pieces on Monday after their residential area was left in ruins following a mine water waster dam burst. Photographer Thulani Mbele paid the community a visit.
Community members in townships in Jagersfontein near Bloemfontein, count their losses after a tailings dam collapsed and left private property and public infrastructure in ruins. Image: Thulani Mbele
Mining waste, which had found its way into private homes, gushed out of a house, when a resident opened the entry door, almost throwing him off balance. Image: Thulani Mbele
A resident of Charlesville, a small township in Jagersfontein near Bloemfontein, walks around the ruins following a damage caused by a mine waste water dam burst. Image: Thulani Mbele
Charlesville residents inspect the damage caused on private property following a tailings dam collapsed. Image: Thulani Mbele
PICS | Jagersfontein: the aftermath
Residents of Jagersfontein picking up the pieces on Monday after their residential area was left in ruins following a mine water waster dam burst. Photographer Thulani Mbele paid the community a visit.
Image: Thulani Mbele
Image: Thulani Mbele
Image: Thulani Mbele
Image: Thulani Mbele
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