Story change upsets Muvhango faithful

Dingaan Mokebe and Vathiswa Ndara's wedding ceremony shocked viewers./ Veli Nhlapo
Dingaan Mokebe and Vathiswa Ndara's wedding ceremony shocked viewers./ Veli Nhlapo

The sudden twist in the storyline of popular SABC2 Venda soapie Muvhango has left viewers confused.

According to fans, the show emulated SABC1 soapie
Generations: The Legacy by changing its storyline completely without warning.

After ending one episode with the announcement of Thandaza's death (Sindi Dlathu), viewers were treated to a plot twist that apparently skipped time and dates to rush to James Motsamai's (Dingaan Mokebe) wedding.

Muvhango spokeswoman Amanda Ngudle said contrary to speculation that it was Dlathu's departure that forced the storyline change, the plot twist has been in the works for a long time.

"The storyline changed because we felt that we owed our viewers a fresh scenery, new faces and a riveting storyline," Ngudle said.

After some confusion,
Muvhango's vague explanation was that the changes happened as part of the celebration of their 3000th episode.

Changes came overnight. Thandaza died and the next day James was marrying an older businesswoman.

Thandaza's husband Ranthumeng was married to Imani for one year already and they had a son. Livhu, who was pregnant just the day before, gave birth and was hosting a first birthday party for her daughter.

Tebogo and Mulalo also had a child and Mulalo was no longer mayor of Thathe.

Viewers' reactions were not what Muvhango expected as people weren't particularly happy with the changes, especially the fact that Thandaza didn't get a proper funeral.

However, Ngudle said they expected the sceptics to show up, but they promised that it would get better.

"Like all changes, not everyone is going to embrace it automatically. Remember we are catering for a diverse audience, so for some the change is long overdue while for others the experience is not so well swallowed.

"But we would like to implore our viewers to keep watching, it gets better. It's
going to be epic!"

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