Brothers set for stardom in motorbike racing

Duo seek to emulate famous Binder siblings

Athenkosi Tsotsi Sports Reporter
The Robert brothers, Cayden and Blake from the King Price Xtreme motorbike racing team are determined to reach MotoGP status in the future.
The Robert brothers, Cayden and Blake from the King Price Xtreme motorbike racing team are determined to reach MotoGP status in the future.
Image: Supplied

Two young brothers in motorbike racing are determined to follow in the footsteps of the MotoGP siblings, Binder brothers Brad and Darryn, who continue to raise the SA flag internationally.

For the Robert brothers – Cayden, 14, and Blake, 9, – of the King Price Xtreme motorbike racing team, the seed of motorsport that was planted by their grandfather in the '80s through his motorcycle club.  The two however grew up watching their 21-year-old brother Tyreece race and that turned them into petrol heads.

Even though Tyreece has not raced in two years, putting brakes on his racing career because of a lack of funding, his influence on his brothers has proved to be telling.

“My older brother Tyreece inspired me; he was racing since I was small,” said Cayden.

 “He’s always been there to help and guide me. From a small age, I’ve always been around bikes. I would be in the garage and track a lot with him,” he said.  

Youngest brother Blake said it was natural for him to fall in love with the sport as his brothers were known for racking up wins on the race track.

“I grew up at the race track around my two brothers. So it was natural for me to start racing [as well],” said Blake.

With motorsport known for being an emotionally heated sport, their father Craig tries to provide a support structure for his boys as they aim to reach the highs of the sport.

“They have chosen a sport that has extreme highs,” said Craig.

“You can win a race or a championship and then there is the total opposite, you can fight hard and crash or lose the championship by one point. You have to be there for them, it’s an emotionally draining sport.  It’s important that I and my wife provide that support structure,” he said.

Supporting his children’s aspirations is financially taxing, and Craig said they have managed to cope through sponsorship from King Price and Honda among others.

“Motorsport is a very expensive sport, I don’t think people realise how expensive it is. Fortunately, we have been able to partner with people like King Price.

“We are constantly working hard all the time to try and get more sponsors. The boys are also assisted by Honda; we have a few brands that have partnered with us,” he said.

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