PSL toys with idea of Olympic break

The Premier Soccer League is considering breaking in November and December to allow the country to field its strongest possible side in a bid for a place at the Rio Olympics.

The under-23 football team are bidding to qualify for the tournament at the Games next year, and if they beat Zimbabwe over two legs in a qualifying tie next month, they will qualify for the eight-team African Under-23 Championships in Senegal later this year.

The tournament, from November 23 to December 15, is in the middle of the PSL season - and without a break this will mean that clubs will be under no obligation to release players.

But the PSL is considering halting the league between those dates to allow Under-23 coach Owen da Gama to pick his strongest possible side and have the best chance to finish in the top-three places at the tournament and earn a slot at the Rio Games.

The new season will commence on August 5, but the PSL is yet to decide whether to begin with a round of league fixtures or the first round of MTN8 competition.

The last two season starts have vacillated between the two options. The league will take a festive break from December 21 to January 7 but there will be no break for the African Nations Championship (Chan) 2016 tournament, which is being held in Rwanda in January.

This means that it is likely that if South Africa does qualify, it will probably take a rag-tag squad to the event as has been the case in their two previous Chan tournament appearances in 2011 and 2014.

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