Khumalo's future wavering

It looks as though Colchester United have admitted defeat in their bid to bring Bongani Khumalo, pictured, to the club on a permanent basis when his contract with Tottenham Hotspur expires next month.

Colchester manager Tony Humes was keen to sign Khumalo permanently after the former Bafana Bafana skipper played a major role in helping the club fight relegation from the English League One while on loan from Spurs.

"It's unlikely that we're going to be able to bring Bongani back here, as he's got options abroad," Humes said. "You have to give credit to him - he came in and done well in the back four. He's a good character and was a very calming influence on the players around him."

The comments contradict those of Khumalo from just a few weeks ago when he confirmed his exit from Spurs and said he wanted to stay in England. "I'm a free agent in the summer so hopefully clubs will be knocking on the door," he said. Neither Khumalo nor the player's intermediary, Glyn Binkin, were available for comment.

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