Trainers lash no-show promoter

MXOLISI Gumede must go back to the drawing board if he still wants to be taken seriously as a boxing promoter.

Livid trainer Bernie Pailman issued the biting assessment yesterday after the late cancellation of a Gumede tournament that was to be held on Sunday.

Boxer Koos Sibiya - who is Pailman's charge - was to be featured against reigning South African junior lightweight champion Jasper Seroka at Nasrec Arena in the main bout. But Boxing SA Gauteng manager Archie Nyingwa cancelled the event after Gumede failed to deposit purses.

"Gumede must put his pride aside and start all over as a promoter," Pailman said yesterday. "He does not have any idea of how to promote. I know the truth hurts but so be it."

Besides Sibiya, Pailman's rising star, Ronald Malindi, was to feature in one of the bouts. "This is what we (trainers) go through regarding boxers' careers. When all is well, boxers will kill for us. But wait until something goes wrong, then they don't even want to see us," he said.

Some of Pailman's boxers work for him at his Beachway Spares.

Manny Fernandes, who hones the skills of Seroka, said: "BSA must make the promoter pay 10 percent of all the boxers' purses. This is very sad. I feel sorry for all the boxers, especially Jasper and Koos, after having trained so hard. This is very sad but BSA must make the promoter pay and not let him get away with murder."

But Gumede insisted he was ready and had done everything possible to meet the requirements.

"Not even once did I inform BSA and SuperSport that my tournament was off," Gumede said.

"No one told me, as the organiser, that it was off. Yes, I accept there was money shortage to the purses. That was because the cheque from SuperSport was to be cleared by the bank after seven days."

SuperSport communications manager Clinton van der Berg said: "SuperSport can confirm that its broadcast of the tournament due to be staged by Ethembeni Promotions at the Nasrec Arena on Sunday, November 23, was cancelled.

"SuperSport was contacted by Boxing SA on Friday, requesting we agree to one week's postponement of the event, apparently because of outstanding payment by the aforementioned promoter.

"This was patently in breach of SuperSport's contract with Ethembeni and was summarily rejected."

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