Manchester City roll out the big guns

LONDON - Manchester City will launch their imposing strike force against Watford in the FA Cup tomorrow and challenge the struggling Championship club to end their dreams of an unprecedented quadruple.

City have scored 106 goals this season to advance on four fronts, and their latest test arrives in the fourth round of the game's oldest cup competition.

Premier League giants Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool are also in action this weekend, when Bournemouth will be aiming to replicate their 1984 FA Cup heroics, holders Wigan Athletic host Crystal Palace and Kidderminster Harriers - the only non-league club in the last 32 - travel to 1973 winners Sunderland.

Bournemouth at least have a home tie to relish tomorrow against seven-time winners Liverpool.

Arsenal host third-tier Coventry today, and Nottingham Forest play Preston.

Stevenage Borough, bottom of League One, welcome Everton to Broadhall Way tomorrow. Chelsea's match with Stoke at home on Sunday is the last of the fourth-round fixtures.

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