CAF fixtures might extend PSL season

THE PSL will be keeping a close eye on Orlando Pirates and SuperSport United's participation in CAF competitions this weekend.

Pirates are away to TP Mazembe in the Champions League with a 3-1 lead from the first leg, while United host Egyptian side Enppi in the Confederation Cup, having drawn 0-0 in Cairo a fortnight ago.

If both sides progress in the competitions, the PSL might have to extend the league season beyond its finish date of May 18.

That is because the next round of Confederation Cup action takes place on the weekend of May 17-19, which clashes with potential final-day drama in the PSL.

With the league having instigated a ruling that the final round of matches affecting the top and bottom of the table must all kick off at the same time, if Pirates or United are involved in African club competition that weekend, then it is likely that none of the matches will be able to be played on the day.

Pirates will enter the Confederation Cup if they lose their tie to TP Mazembe, dropping down to the continent's secondary competition.

If they advance to the Champions League group stages then their next action will only be in July.

If Matsatsantsa see off Enppi, then they advance to the play-off round in the Confederation Cup, the first leg of which will be that weekend.

Sowetan understands that if the PSL matches involving United and Pirates have no bearing on the outcome at the top or the bottom of the table, then only those matches will be moved to a later date and the remaining six will go ahead as scheduled.

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